Monday, 26 January 2015

9th Basic Workshop of MCI on Med. Edcn. Tech. Feb 3,4,5 2015

9th Basic Workshop on Medical Education of MCI at Andhra Medical College Visakhaptnam. 2015 February 3rd to 5th (tuesday to thursday)

MCI Regional Centre for Medical Education Technology
Andhra Medical College Visakhapatnam
9th Basic Workshop on Medical Education Technology
3rd to 5th  February 2015 
Program starts at 8.30AM sharp on 3rd February 2015. Registrations start from 8.00AM
venue - AMC Seminar Hall. Panagal block (principal's office block) Andhra Medical College vizag.
Please be there on time. daily sessions go on upto 5.30PM
Please note that attendance for all sessions is mandatory - pl cooperate with us.
course fee = 1500 rs. (working lunch. tea /biscuits)
accommodation available in Sr.residents hostel - on twin sharing basis - on first come first serve basis.
Dr.P Balamuralikrishna 98492 72308 
Dr KVV Vijaya Kumar 98491 13744
Dr P Saroj 98484 44002
Dr Dhanyasri - 99595 60507
Dr Venkatachelam - 94409 23840

he workshop is being conducted at the AMC Seminar Hall in the building of the Principal's office- Panagal Building-  Andhra Medical College. 
For those who are not familiar with this place - the college and hospital (andhra medical college and king george hospital or KGH are in the same campus which is quite    big - the hospital is on the northern side & the Physiology /Anatomy dept on the southern side with the Principal's office in the middle.)
The way to the college & principal's office & our venue is through the KGH Main gate.
KGH has 3 gates - OP gate at the western end and the Main /In gate at the eastern end. In between is the 'outgate' which allows vehicular traffic only in outward direction.

The hospital - KGH or King George Hospital is very popular and once you get into its Main Gate it leads slightly  obliquely  (crossing various wards) but right up a slope to the Principal's Office in Panagal Building. 
This building has the Principal's office and depts of SPM (and also Biochem & Pharma) - the seminar hall is in the ground floor.

pl read the following or your material on medical education if you can (before coming) - it hastens /facilitates our workshop activities -

Educational Technology for Medical Teachers – A Recap
Education = process to bring a desirable change in the behavior of the student

Latin e-ducere means ‘to lead out’.

Educate = develop the knowledge, skill or character of . . . 
Educational spiral / triangle consists of 3 components of any educational program –

-          Objectives

-          Teaching/ Learning Experience or Activity

-          Evaluation
Educational Objectives can be

-          National objectives (broad goals of medical education)

-          Institutional Objectives (for the college)

-          Departmental objectives (for the particular dept./ speciality)

-          Specific Learning objective (for a given task/ knowledge)

SIO / SLO : A specific learning or instructional objective must be 
                                    ‘FORUM’ –




Unequivocal & clear

e.g. at the end of the posting in Gynaec, the 3rd semester student must be able to

- perform the 4 grips in abdominal examination of a pregnant woman

- mention the normal values of Hb, urinalysis & GTT in a pregnant woman

            - interpret the lab report of GTT of a pregnant woman as normal or diabetes  

            - be gentle & maintain privacy when performing a pelvic examination
3 taxonomical domains of learning –

-          Cognitive = theoretical / knowledge domain (Head)

-          Psychomotor = practical skills (Hand)

-          Affective = attitudes (Heart)
e.g. in the above objectives, 1 is psychomotor, 2&3 are cognitive and 4 is affective.
Curriculum –

Is more than syllabus. Besides the syllabus or knowledge to be learnt, curriculum includes how the knowledge will be learnt, when, by whom, with what aids and how it will be assessed. It is a written description of what happens during the educational course.
Teaching /learning principles –

Memory consists of 3 stages – Receiving the stimulus, Primary or short term memory & Permanent or long term memory

Learning is influenced by

-          Frequency of stimulus

-          Reinforcement

-          Internal motivation

-          Logical sequence, relating unknown to known

-          Competition with peers

-          Personal experiences
Teaching /learning methods -

Large group teaching – for 30 or more students –

-          Lecture

-          Symposium – by  a group of experts speaking serially

-          Panel – experts interact with a moderator
Small group teaching / learning methods – for < 30 students

Group discussion – free or controlled by a teacher.

Seminar – usually by advanced learners

Tutorial – teacher guides a group, clarifies doubts, etc.

Workshop – for hands on experience

Bedside Clinics


Role play

Field visits

Buzz group

Individual learning methods

-          Reading / self study

-          Programmed learning – e.g. with a computer

-          Project

-          One to one conference

-          Simulation
Teaching learning aids –

Visual –          Non- projected – blackboard, marker board, other boards, charts, pictures,

Specimens, models, photographs, microscope slides, 

-          Projected – OHP, slide projector, silent films, epidiascope, projector,

LCD projector /powerpoint

Audio –           Microphone/speakers, record player, CD /cassette player, Radio

Audiovisual – Synchronized Tape-slide, Video films, TV, cine films, computer  /DVD

Others –          Simulators, manikins (for psychomotor skills), computers for simulation, etc
Chalkboard – inexpensive; can solve problems, explain organization of a concept; only smaller group can see; no eye contact

Plan; don’t overcrowd board; be neat and simple.

Overhead Projector – need not switch off lights; easy to prepare; can reuse.

Can write / draw /Xerox. Eye contact present.

Use only 1 or 2 colors. Preferably <7  lines per sheet. Letters at least 7 mm. high & at least 7 mm. apart. One concept per sheet.
Evaluation –

Determining how well (the extent to which) the student has acquired the educational objective. A test is a tool for evaluation and has a series of items /questions. Evaluation or the tests of evaluation may be –

1.      Formative (to provide feedback to student for improvement) or

-          Summative (test for certification for pass /fail)

2.      Subjective – e.g. essay q., orals,

-          Objective – e.g. MCQs, OSCE,

3.      Supply type – e.g. fill in blanks, essay q.

-          Selection type – e.g. MCQs, True/false

4.      Open ended – e.g. essay

-          Closed ended – e.g. MCQs, true /false

5.      Internal exam – examiner involved in instruction

-          External exam – examiner not the teacher of the student

6.      Criterion based evaluation – a set pass mark is pre-fixed & those who get it pass

-          Norm based evaluation – a set proportion of students are passed

7.      Product evaluation – seeing if student got answer

-          Process evaluation – seeing how student proceeded to the answer

8.      Written / oral / practical

9.      Continuous evaluation

-          Terminal evaluation
Written tests can be – Long essay question, Structured essay q., Short answer question (short notes), Multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, true/false, matching,

Practicals can be experiments, clinical examinations, OSCE/OSPE, standaradised patients,

Orals /viva voce

Other evaluation methods – observation & global rating, structured observation, role play, project work, Self assessment, peer assessment, patient assessment (360 degree assessment), portfolio, logbook, record, interview.

OSCE / OSPE – Objective Structured Clinical / Practical Examination is a way of structuring the clinical /practical exam to make it more objective. There are several ‘stations’ and students keep rotating from one to the next. The student performs a given task at each station where he is observed by an observer/ faculty with a check list to see which steps he has done, which he has omitted, etc. This can be used for evaluation and also as formative evaluation for feedback.
Microteaching – is a method to improve one’s teaching/ presentation skills. The teacher takes a short ‘class’ to a small group of 4 or 5 peers or students, after deciding which skill he will practise. The group gives feedback and the teacher may once again take a class if needed to improve that skill. (e.g. skill of maintaining eye contact, or voice modulation, etc.)
Micropresentation is a modification of the above technique which can be used to train PGs / UGs in presentation skills – like case presentation, or viva voce. The emphasis here is on presentation skills and not on subject content per se.

participants attending 9th basic MCI workshop in February 2015 3rd to 5th tuesday to thursday

Bora Prasada Rao
Associate Professor
Department of Physiology
Burri Thirumala Rao
Assistant Professor
Department of SPM
N.Srikantha Rao
Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy
K.Manoj Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine
G.Hima Bindu
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology
M.Subba Rao
Assistant Professor
Department of Forensic Medicine
V.Aruna Kumari
Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology
Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology
B.Balaji Naik
Associate Professor
Department of DVL
Department of Physiology
K.Ambika Devi
Department of Biochemistry
Department of Pharmacology
Department of Microbiology
Department of SPM

Department of Anatomy
Sudhir Kumar Satpathy
Department of SPM
Ch.Swamy Naidu
Department of Surgery
Prahallada Chandra Mishra
Department of Medicine
Vaddadi Sarojini
Department of Gynaecology
P.Vijaya Kumar
Department of Medicine
P. Kalyan Chakravarthy
Associate Professor
Department of Anesthesia
Vydehi Bhimaraju
Department of Pathology
P.Kamal Subhashini
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology
Assistant Professor
Department of Gynaecology
A.Sita Rama
Department of SPM
N. Subrahmanyam
Associate Professor
Department of ENT


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